A Blueprint for CMO Success in the High-Stakes AI Marketpla…

CHAPTER 3: Common Pitfalls in AI Programs

Understanding Data Sources & Training/Maintaining AI Models

When building an AI program, it’s essential to understand the primary data types and the roles required for effective

deployment. Companies new to AI typically deal with structured data sets, which are organized in a predefined manner,

often in spreadsheet programs such as Excel or relational databases such as SQL Server. Examples of structured data include

customer records, transaction histories, and inventory logs—all of which can be easily searched, analyzed, and organized.

But, to leverage generative AI models effectively, companies need to be comfortable with unstructured data, which does not

have a predefined format. Unstructured data includes text documents, images, videos, social media posts, and other content

that is not easily searchable or analyzable without specialized tools. This data requires different storage and processing

approaches to train AI models effectively.

Operationalizing these models takes skills and expertise, and often, several people to build and maintain them. Understanding

the nuances of each role will help you build a capable AI team that is prepared to manage model training and

implementation. The three roles needed include:

Business Expert


Statistician or Data Scientist

This person understands your

Responsible for the AI model’s coding,

This role involves understanding the

company, the AI strategy, and

operationalization, and maintenance.

underlying mathematics and fine-

generally, how the AI model works.

This person often supports the data

tuning the model. This person builds

Their knowledge bridges the gap

aggregation and pipeline requirements

the algorithm and ensures its

between technical implementation

to “feed” the AI model. This person

accuracy and relevance to your

and business objectives, ensuring

ensures the model is efficiently

company’s unique use case.

that the AI solutions align with your

integrated into your company’s

strategic goals.

systems and performs reliably.

A Blueprint for CMO Success in the High-Stakes AI Marketplace


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