CHAPTER 1: The State of AI
AI’s Real-World Impact
There was a time when artificial intelligence (AI) and
machine learning (ML) were futuristic concepts
In retail, for example, AI enhances CX through personalized
incorporated into science fiction fairytales. It’s safe to
recommendations and streamlined supply chain operations.
say that time has passed. The AI race began in 1950
Healthcare benefits from AI-driven diagnostics and patient
with Alan Turing’s seminal paper, “Computing
care management systems, while financial services leverage
Machinery and Intelligence.” Today, it has grown into a
AI for fraud detection, risk assessment, and personalized
$300 billion industry that has reshaped business and
banking experiences. Manufacturing industries use AI for
redefined marketplaces, indicating radical implications
predictive maintenance and optimizing production processes.
for marketers.
While AI’s business impact is vast, we’re also seeing evidence of transformation across traditional marketing channels.
Forward-thinking marketing leaders see the AI
revolution as an opportunity to enhance customer
experiences (CX), optimize marketing strategies, and
drive growth. But they need to act now and work
Google and Yahoo are optimizing inboxes to respond to the
efficiently. As the world grapples with the sheer depth
influx of AI-written emails and forcing email marketers to
and breadth of AI applications, this technology embeds
elevate their strategy from “spray and pray” tactics. The
itself deeper into industries, upending and transforming
sophisticated AI algorithms personalize inboxes based on
traditional business operations.
open, click-through, and unsubscribe rates in a way that
emphasizes more desirable email content and moves less
impactful email sends to junk. Similarly, Google rolled out its
Gemini AI responses to the search engine result page (SERP)
in May. Marketers should closely monitor their organic search
traffic and optimize content marketing strategies accordingly.
A Blueprint for CMO Success in the High-Stakes AI Marketplace
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