A Blueprint for CMO Success in the High-Stakes AI Marketpla…

Privacy & Security Are Paramount to Success

Privacy and security in AI programs ensure the data’s

These examples highlight the need for companies to safeguard

integrity, confidentiality, and availability. AI models rely

their data and, if necessary, mandate new behaviors. Here are

upon vast amounts of data to function, and when that

five simple but effective ways to keep your data safe:

data is compromised, inconsistent, or untimely, the

Encryption: Protect data during storage and transmission

consequences can be costly and embarrassing.

to prevent unauthori z ed access .

Look no further than the Equifax data breach in 2017

Access control: Regulate access via the principle of least

that exposed the personal information of 147 million

privilege ( PoLP ) , ensuring employees have access only to

people, leading to a $700 million judgment and

data they need to complete their tasks .

reputational damage for the company. The 23andMe

Multifactor authentication (MFA): Adds an extra security

breach in 2023 is another poignant example. Bad actors

layer by requiring multiple verification types before

used “credential stuffing” to unlock and expose sensitive

granting access to sensitive data .

health, family, and genetic information for almost 7

million users. Later that same year, cyber attackers

Data loss prevention (DLP): Build and deploy strategies to

targeted MGM Resorts with social engineering and

detect and prevent data loss, leakage, or misuse .

ransomware, costing the company an estimated $80

Regular security audits: C onduct periodic assessments to

million in revenue over five days.

identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in the system.

Even more recently, Change Healthcare, a subsidiary

Embracing AI is an opportunity for brands to become market

of UnitedHealthcare, succumbed to a ransomware

leaders. By leveraging AI thoughtfully, you can unlock incredible

attack in late February 2024. The attack disrupted key

potential and drive growth—all while staying ahead of your

healthcare operations like payments to providers,

competition. And yes, AI is powerful and transformative, but it’s

eligibility checks, and prescription fulfillment for weeks.

safe and easy to navigate with the right approach. If your

Further, an estimated one-third of Americans may

company doesn’t have the capacity or expertise to build and

have exposed data as a result.

manage an effective AI program on your own, enlisting an

expert partner is highly recommended.

A Blueprint for CMO Success in the High-Stakes AI Marketplace


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