CIO Insights Report 2023 - Innovation vs Execution

Powering Cloud and AI Strategies

I would watch for technologies


that provide advanced email

Technology leaders shared that cybersecurity is all about protecting identities and end-users – and that job gets tougher as technology empowers consumers with data and everywhere-access. The corporate firewall once protected corporate systems, but now applications are available on any device, anywhere. That’s where two-step authentication becomes paramount, as does educating everyday consumers of the threats and their impacts. The reality is, security companies continue to innovate and routinely expand the space with new-and-improved technologies. However, ever- evolving threat actors counter these innovations by finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities and humans. To stay up-to-date with current threats, security teams across industries need to embrace a steep learning curve and invest in technologies that have inputs from different sources.

curation using AI and natural

language processing. Filtering

out social engineering

attempts, detecting business

email compromises and

removing content before it

reaches the end-user will help

protect against fraudulent

financial transactions.”

Allen Smith CIO at Baker Tilly



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